What is a duplex?
SouthPoint Financial Services, Inc.
SouthPoint Financial Services, Inc.
Published on December 20, 2022
What is a duplex

What is a duplex?

A duplex is a two-family structure. There is some misconception that a duplex is just for investors, but this is simply not true. With the rising rates, some smart home buyers are looking at a duplex as their housing option. This does not require any special financing. HUD allows for two-family homes with FHA financing.

A duplex is a solid investment. It can produce strong value growth and high rental yields for a much lower price than a detached house. Also, it can help you build equity faster than saving money while renting.

Some of the most popular benefits

  • Have rent cover a significant portion of the mortgage payment
  • Maintain a close eye on your investment
  • Allow an aging parent to live in the other unit to provide close care for family
  • Possibly use the current rent as income to qualify for the duplex purchase

There is a lot of benefit to purchasing a multi-family home. Discuss all these options with a senior loan officer to weigh out the benefits.

Written by Patricia Eubanks, Vice President


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